As a client, stakeholder or partner of Business in Focus, we want to reassure you that we are taking the necessary steps to safeguard our personnel and users of our services in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak.
During this unique situation our priority will always be to protect the health and wellbeing of our colleagues and clients. However we realise that now, more than ever, it is vitally important to be able to continue our services to businesses in Wales as we all deal with these completely unprecedented circumstances.
Our Business Continuity Team is meeting regularly to review our contingency plans and adapt our response to changing circumstances.
Much of our business already uses a remote working business model so we are well prepared to provide a resilient service. We will be agile and responsive to the needs of our clients as the situation progresses.
Throughout, we are following official UK Government, Public Health Wales and ACAS guidance and have implemented the following additional measures:
We will constantly review the situation to ensure that we are responding to the most up to date government advice and that we provide the highest level of support possible to our clients. We also recognise that the outbreak of Covid-19 will present many of our clients with unique and unprecedented challenges in terms of how they manage their businesses or organisations and we want to assure you that we are here to help guide you all as best we can.
Katy Chamberlain
Chief Executive