Our Accreditations & Policies

Business in Focus is committed to improving its services to its customers and to becoming an employer of choice.

Below is a summary of our current accreditations and the policies we have in place.

Our Accreditations

Investors in People

Our staff are at the centre of all that we do. We value them and provide opportunity to grow and develop within the organisation. We have been awarded the Investors in People Gold award and we are working to improve this with the new standards and to continually evidence our commitment to our people. We take the standard seriously and are constantly looking for ways to improve our engagement and the workplace experience.

Quality Management Systems

We have attained the ISO 9001 quality management standard. This certification has provided Business in Focus with the quality systems to improve staff motivation, continually improve the organisation and to provide a foundation for customer satisfaction

Equality & Diversity

Business in Focus has not only achieved the C2E (Committed to Equality) standard but has been awarded Gold for its commitment to the standard in practice throughout the company. As an employer the standard is embedded in our culture.


We are committed to the environment and have achieved the Welsh Government’s Green Dragon Environmental Award. The Award recognises Business in Focus’ commitment to environmental matters and has provided valuable assistance in enabling the company to meet its environmental objectives. The Standard comprises five levels, with each level designed to be a stand-alone system. As the level increases from one to five, so does the level of complexity. Business in Focus has now attained levels 1 & 2 of the standard.

IT & Security

We consider the protection of our assets, data and networks as important to our business and our customers. We have invested in the assurance of Cyber Essentials and achieved accreditation to give our customers and employees confidence that we are protecting and aware of the requirement to protect against a cyber attack.

Disability Confident Employer

We ensure that disabled people and those with long term health conditions have the opportunities to fulfil their potential and realise their aspirations. We have been awarded the Disability Confident Employer badge by the Department for Work and Pensions.

Armed Forces Covenant

Employers who have signed up to the Armed Forces Covenant can nominate themselves for a Bronze Award. This involves pledging their intention to support Defence and to take a positive stance towards reserves, cadet force adult volunteers and veterans who are either existing or prospective employees.  Bronze Award holders seek to promote an Armed Forces friendly position, and are open to employing reservists and supporting their training and mobilisation commitments.

Our Policies

Equality & Diversity

As a business support services provider Business in Focus is fully committed to best practice in Equality and Diversity and we have actively:

Other Policies & Action Plans

Complaints Policy

Business in Focus is committed to ensuring that we deliver the highest standards of customer service throughout all business activities. We are committed to ensuring that all complaints received are fully investigated in an impartial and timely manner in accordance with the policy.

Sustainability Action Plan

Our vision is to be a dynamic, impactful, and sustainable social enterprise at the heart of a thriving business eco-system. We want to lead by example and as such we aim to achieve net zero as an organisation by 2050. To achieve this ambitious aim, we must make reducing carbon emissions integral to all business planning and decision-making processes.

Privacy Policy

We understand that your privacy and the security of your personal information is extremely important. This notice sets out what we do with your personal information, what we do to keep it secure, from where and how we collect it, as well as your rights in relation to the personal information we hold about you.

Privacy Policy for Website Visitors

This privacy policy applies between you, the user of this website and Business in Focus, the owner and provider of this website. Business in Focus takes the privacy of your information very seriously. This privacy policy applies to our use of any and all data collected by us or provided by you in relation to your use of the website.

Environmental Policy

As a responsible organisation, our environmental policy documents our commitment to identify and control our adverse environmental impacts. We shall also implement an effective environmental management system in line with the requirements of level one and two of the Green Dragon standard.

Equal Opportunity Policy

Business in Focus is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment and to avoiding unlawful discrimination in employment or to customers. This policy is intended to assist Business in Focus to put this commitment into practice. Compliance with this policy should also ensure that employees do not commit unlawful acts of discrimination.

Quality Policy

Business in Focus Limited is committed to providing excellent services to its customers throughout the Southeast Wales region and beyond.

Welsh Language Policy

This policy has been prepared in accordance with the Welsh Language Act 1993, the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 and guidance from the Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office.