Podcast: Protecting culture within working practice
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Our HR Manager, Andrea Wallbank, spoke with Business News Wales, to discuss how culture and wellbeing were maintained at the company throughout the pandemic and how it has adapted to the new normal, leading to Gold Investors in People accreditation.
The Covid-19 pandemic saw the rise of working from home and subsequently the introduction of the hybrid working model.
Whilst it presented challenges for workplace culture, such as a sense of team and engagement, it presented many opportunities too.
Workplaces have seen an increase in productivity and autonomy and have had opportunities to improve inclusivity. As hybrid working is here to stay, to help create a balance, Business in Focus has worked to build a strong sense of culture and wellbeing into their hybrid working model.
Through evaluation of what was already implemented within the business, Business in Focus reworked its practices to better suit hybrid working. From recruitment and onboarding to introducing webinars instead of workshops, they strived to maintain key aspects of the business.
Looking beyond company culture, Business in Focus brought the sense of security and support colleagues felt in an office space to hybrid working through wellbeing practices, like company working walks and providing social interactions through online events.
Having recently been accredited Investors in People Gold and Investors in People Wellbeing Gold, Business in Focus is showing their commitment to continuing the focus on support and wellbeing. Considering their workforce, a family and striving to ensure colleagues feel secure and respected, the accreditation is an outward signifier of their commitment.
Listen to the full podcast on Business News Wales