Latest vacancies

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You can also submit your CV with cover letter to be considered for future roles.

What role are you interested in?

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Client Registration Officer | Pan Wales | FTC until June 2025 | £24,500 – £25,250 p.a | Apply by February 27th
Job Description

Administrator | Pan Wales | FTC until June 2025 | £23,400 to £24,500 p.a | Apply by February 27th
Job Description
Register with us as a speculative candidate for future roles!

Equality & Diversity

Business in Focus is an equal opportunities employer.

1. Promote Equality and Diversity by ensuring the Business Wales contract processes are compliant and consistently inclusive. Provide any information and training that may be required to achieve this.

2. Maintain an up to date awareness, training and CPD of equality & diversity issues and how to professionally deliver an inclusive service to all clients.

3. Deliver and develop an inclusive service in line with the Business in Focus values and Welsh Government contractual requirements.